Whether your horse is a full time competitor, a Sunday afternoon trail rider, or just a companion, Equine Sport Therapy is something that benefits all breeds, colours, and disciplines of horses, as well as their riders. From pulled muscles, to sore backs, to badly fitting saddles, and to even mental and emotional problems, Equine Sport Therapy is something that can positively affect your horse, even the ones claimed unfixable.

At FastTrack Equine Therapy, we are dedicated to your horses health and well-being, as well as to assisting the horse community in being the best it can possibly be. We offer many different services that all benefit the horse and rider in different ways. We are here to help your horses perform their best, look their best, and most importantly, feel their very best. Together, let's get your equine partners on the FastTrack to their best performance!
Horses have done what we've asked of them very well, for a very long time, but it all comes along with it's fair share of scrapes and bruises. We owe it to them to keep them feeling as best they can.